Investigator Sponsored Research (ISR)

Pfizer supports Investigator Sponsored Research (ISR) projects that advance medical and scientific knowledge about our therapies.
An ISR is a type of grant that supports an independent research study where the investigator or organization is the sponsor of the study. Pfizer provides financial and/or non-financial support for developing or refining specific and defined medical knowledge relating to a Pfizer asset.

This global program is open to all researchers who are interested in conducting their own research. This grant type is used as support for pre-clinical and clinical studies (including interventional and non-interventional), that involve a Pfizer asset (e.g., commercial drug, investigational drug, pure compound*).

* Pfizer has an extensive pure substance library that encompasses our publicly known compounds.

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Apply for Research Grant application (ISR and General Research) >

To learn more about research grant application prior to submission please click here